This week is National Pet Week and we have a guest blogger contributing a really great article about our furry loved ones and how to keep our pets healthy & happy. Deanna, from talk2animals.com has written a great message for us that draws attention to cancer prevention in cats and dogs. I appreciate her awareness of alternative veterinary practices and have found that my own cats benefit from this type of practice.
National Pet Week 5/4/08-5/10/08
My name is Deanna and I am an animal communicator (pet psychic.) This past
week one of my clients, a yellow lab less than 2 years old, had a malignant
tumor removed from his leg. In honor of National Pet Week I wanted to write
about cancer in pets, an issue I care about deeply. I hope you find this
information thought provoking, informative and useful.
Cancer is an issue that hits close to home for me. I have lost both animal
and human family members to cancer. In addition to my animal communication
practice, I also work part time at a major cancer center helping patients.
My work at the cancer center has granted me access to information I would
not have known otherwise regarding environmental toxins and their
relationship to cancer.
My last two cats who I love dearly died of cancer at early ages. Since our
animal friends have life spans significantly shorter than ours, exposure to
environmental toxins can make their life spans even shorter.
Not only do we need to take action to decrease the amount of toxins in our
environment. We also need to take steps to minimize the impact these toxins
have on the health of both humans and animals. If you agree with me I
invite you to support the work of groups such as Pets for the Environment and The Environmental Working Group. Another
site worth mentioning is an eco-friendly site for people and pets called Allie's Green Answers.
To become more educated on cancer causes, treatment & prevention in pets, I
look to practitioners of integrative veterinary medicine. This modality
combines conventional theory & therapies with complementary and alternative
medicine for a comprehensive approach. Books I recommend include Dr. Allen
Schoen's Kindred Spirits
and Dr. Marty Goldstein's The Nature of Animal Healing .
Another book I haven't read (it's sitting in my "to be read pile") but it
looks great is called Preventing and
Treating Cancer in Dogs. Whole
Dog Journal is another great resource that recently had an
article about the toxins contained in certain plastic toys.
For those of you interested in supplements to help prevent cancer or support
a person or pet with cancer, you may want to check out medicinal mushrooms.
Fungi Perfecti makes a pet formula which can be seen by clicking here . For people, I also like
Herbalist & Alchemist's "Seven Precious Mushrooms" blend. To read up on the
many benefits of medicinal mushrooms, including their anti-tumor and immune
system properties click here.
There is so much information out there ranging from vaccines causing cancer
to ways diet can contribute to cancer in pets. In an article on Allie's
Green Answers, Allie writes about her dog possibly getting cancer from his
microchip. Click here
for that story. I think this information is all worth seriously considering,
however, it can easily become frightening and overwhelming.
My intention for this article is not to frighten or overwhelm you. Being
frightened and overwhelmed can easily lead to feeling powerless and
therefore not taking action. My intention is to encourage you to get
educated, from reliable sources, and then make mindful, conscious choices
about what you and your pets eat, drink, breathe and absorb through the
skin. (Have I covered all the bases?) My hope is that as we become more
educated we become more empowered and can take appropriate action to be
agents of positive change for the benefit of all. My hope is that we can
all take a stand for what we value and have our actions promote the health,
wellness and longevity of people, animals and our planet.
To learn more about who I am, my love for animals and the work that I do as
an animal communicator/pet psychic please visit www.talk2animals.com.
Have a question about integrative veterinary medicine?
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store
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