This summer Healthy Being is in the process of launching the Healthy Being Network: an online database and tool that links various health and wellness practitioners, retailers and physicians to the community. At the current time, there is no one site or database that focuses on the natural health and wellness community.
Healthy Being seeks to connect the end users (consumers) of natural health and wellness services and products with a variety of business and services resources and promotes the natural health community with ease. Our motto is "simplifying wellness, naturally" and the Healthy Being Network is the premier online community tool that will allow users to search and connect with the practitioner, retailer or therapist of their choice.

If you are a natural health practitioner, Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, Natural Health Store or retailer or provide any natural or alternative therapies we urge you to contact us and we will include your name, contact information and a link to your website on our database.
The cost of inclusion in the Healthy Being Network is only $5 a year and is free to use by the public. We also offer advertising opportunities for you to highlight your practice each month.
We look forward to launching this network on August 1, 2008.
For more details: please contact Melissa Gallagher @ 727-954-8968.
Acai Berry-Super Food I just passed another birthday, which was really wonderful. I haven’t met all the goals set for my 50th, but I have stopped smoking, changed my eating habits & bought a pair of those MBT (world’s smallest gym) tennis shoes. So I’m one birthday overdue? So what?
The better food choices have improved my skin; hair, nails, teeth. The shoes have improved my posture and work more leg & tummy muscles just by walking, so I’m happy. I smoke 3-4 cigs a day and don't need the Rx $140/month Chantix anymore. The pleasure of smoking (and drinking alcohol) is gone and that’s good. Now I’m into weight loss, natural health and energy.
My dear friend Al mentioned the acai berry recently when we were at a dedication ceremony for a small town park up north. Al & I were sitting on a bench listening to the blah, blah, blah face time all the local politicos were offering and I remarked how well he looked. MUCH better than our previous visit. Al is diabetic and they’ve snipped at a "digit" or two. His mobility had clearly improved no walking stick. Understand that AL is a big strong handsome Polar bear type of a man. A real Man's Man, active and vibrant. (All we girls always clamor around him at gatherings.)
Al told me his dentist was going on about this acai berry. He hooked Al up and after a 2-week trial Al felt alot better. He enrolled for the $39.00 to get the wholesale price (56 gel packets). Instead of carb/sugar laden energy drinks or coffee drinks for around $125.00 a month (approx $2.30 packet) you can get the juice. It's loaded with glucosamine, is super nutritious and super charged with anti oxidants. I decided to try it, hoping it might remove one (if not more) of the 6 Rx pills I take everyday. I knew I had a check up coming up and needed blood work done before the appointment. So I gave this a 4 week trial and guess what? I feel better than I have in years. I have much more energy, am sleeping better and my skin; hair & nails are looking fabulous.
But it was the BLOODWORK that was going to be my deciding factor.
I got those results last Friday:
Triglycerides WERE = 240 Friday = 161
Lipids WERE =192 Friday = 163
How about that?
My metabolism is faster and I’ve lost 5 1/2 pounds. I’m thrilled. I thought of a lot of folks who have different issues, my sister's hip, my brother's knee, my buddy’s cholesterol, our age group, blah blah blah….. So I’m sharing, someone else may benefit from this or help other folks too. Or they may want a side business from home. Why not? Check out the link. Media on the berry blend is there: http://thejuicefacts.com/facts.html
Doctors, CNN, Professional Athletes, Oprah, Dr. Nick Perricone, alot of good info. This was a goody bag item at the Academy Awards!
Enroll for $39.00 and get the juice for yourself, wholesale. Or you can just buy it (preferred customers get a 15% discount)
I'll share the Insp. Al & my granddaughter's sick duck story another time. Just thinking about that delights my entire day! God love you. Have a story?
Health & Harmony
Lisa DeVito lisadeb1989@gmail.com
Its really a good post.
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