Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Saw Palmetto: Fact or Fiction- Increases Breast Size Naturally

We've all heard the hype and with all the supplements and products on the market that claim to be the next best latest thing to help address some ailment or vanity issue. But, I decided to give one a whirl.

I went to a natural health seminar about a month ago and one of the many topics was about natural hormone therapies and protocols surrounding female health concerns. I was particularly interested in trying out one particular protocol that is said to have a positive impact on the growth and enlargement of the female breast.

It is widely known that one of the best natural herbs for men is saw palmetto. Well, while this helps shrink the size of the prostate, it has the reverse affect on breasts.

SO I decided to give it a whirl. For me, such a change would be dramatic and the instructor of the seminar reported that the potential increase could be a full cup size. The dasage was non descript so I bought a bottle of saw palmetto and have been diligently taking 4 pills in the am and 4 pills in the evening.

I can honestly say that I have seen a marked change in the shape of my breasts. It may not be hype after all.

If you are interested in the exact dosage, let me know and I'd be more than willing to share my story and doage schedule with you. Feel free to call me in my office or email me: 727-50-BEING or

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