Epsom salts is my most favorite household remedy. If you are an athlete or just enjoy massage and the benefits of breaking up lactic acid in the muscles- you can get a quick, easy and cheap "massage" through the use of epsom salts in your bath.
Epsom salts are mineral rich and treat both the skin and muscles. The best way to get results from an epsom salts bath is to use about 3-4 cups of espsom salts in hot water. Mix it around to get the salts fully dissolved. I always mix in an aromatherapy mix of lavender, tea tree oil and eucalyptus.
The salts will work out the lactic acid build up and muscle tightness and you'll wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and happy.
Visit our On-Line Store to purchase a variety of supplements, vitamins and homeopathic medicine at Healthy Being Products Store And view our natural bath salts line to help ease your muscle tension.
Great idea to mix in aromatherapy ingredients!
You might enjoy Annie Bond's recipe for detox baths with epsom salts and baking soda too. (Annie is the author of multiple books about nontoxic, natural personal care recipes, including Better Basics and Home Enlightenment. She knows a lot about epsom salts. :)
Epsom salt is a powerful source of magnesium. It is great for soaking when you have had a bartholin cyst. It reduces the swelling, but it does much better when you put goldenseal liquid on the cysts also.
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